Chia – a healthy food and an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid

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Chia seeds have become increasingly popular as a healthy food in the last few years. One might ask, what exactly are chia seeds? Where do they come from? To answer, chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family. The seeds are sold as 'chia' seeds. It has other names as well. It's origin is believed to be in Central America, where the seed was a staple in the ancient Aztec diet. 

The reason chia seeds have gained attention, is because they are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid. Aside from this, they also contain 10 grams of fibre per ounce of seed. Protein and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc are also found in this seed. Due to all these nutrients, chia seeds can be included as part of a healthy diet. They have the potential for help improve cardiovascular health. However, there isn't a lot of reliable studies on the health benefits of chia seeds. Most of the information available is based on animal studies or human studies with a small number of research participants. Take a look at the other health benefits that are proven- 

1) Chia seeds deliver a huge amount of nutrients with very few calories. The seeds contain high amounts of fibre, protein, fat, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus as well as a decent amount of zinc, vitamin B3 (niacin), potassium, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and vitamin B2. 

2) Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants. The protect the sensitive fats in the seeds from going rancid. Getting these antioxidents from food can have possible health effects. They fight the production of free radicals in the body, which can damage cell molecules and contribute to aging and the development of cancer. 

3) Chia seeds have carbs, but all of it is in the form of fiber. Fibre doesn't raise blood sugar, neither does it require the presence of insuline. Because of the high fiber content, chia seeds keep you full for longer. This can potentially help a person to lose weight. 

4) Another factor about chia seed that might aid in losing weight is its protein content. By weight, chia seeds are about 14% protein, which is very high for a plant produce. This protein has many health benefits. A high protein intake tends to lower appetite and helps to lower uncontrolled food intake, which inevitably helps to control weight. Vegans and vegetarians tend to consume chia seeds to supplement the lack of animal protein in their diet.

5) Chia seeds contain more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon fish, which is an astounding fact. Although it does not completely satiate the kinds of omega-3 fatty acid we need to get from animal sources, it is still an important source of this nutrient. 

6) The biggest health advantage we might get from chia seeds is perhaps their contribution to maintain a good heart health. As these seeds are high in fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids, consequently they might reduce the risk of heart health. They can lower some risk factors including triglycerides, inflammation, insulin resistance and belly fat. As chia seed improves body's insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control, it might be effective in deterring the development of diabetes. 

7) Certain healthy foods may reduce chronic inflammation and chia seed is one of them. Inflammation is the body’s normal response to infection or injury. Red and swollen skin is a typical example. Chronic inflammation is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and cancer. Some studies show that chia seeds might have significant effects to reduce inflammation.

How to eat chia seeds
Good quality chia seeds should be naturally black or white. They should never be brown. brown chia seeds are immature seeds that haven't had a chance to mature properly, and this can result in fewer nutritional benefits and give the seeds a bitter taste. These seeds absorb liquid and turn into gel-like globules, much like tapioca balls or 'sago'.

Chia seeds are quite easy to incorporate into any diet. As they are bland, they can be added to practically anything. They are easy to prepare, too.

The easiest way to eat chia seeds is to make chia pudding. Add a quarter cup of chia seeds in one cup of liquid. The liquid can be any type of milk or fruit juice. Give the mixture time to turn into a gel. Then the 'pudding' is ready to eat. This usually takes 15 minutes. Afterwards the pudding can be kept in the refrigerator for a few day. This pudding won't have much flavor, so it is wise to add spices, chopped fruit, nuts and toppings of your liking. 

Dry chia seeds can also be added to smoothies, and juices, mixed into yogurt or oatmeal, or sprinkled on top of a salad. If you're adding the seeds to a drink or a "wet" dish like oatmeal, they'll swell up slightly while you eat, but they'll retain a slight crunch. And although these are some of the more common ways to eat chia, its mild flavor and compact size make it easy to slip a spoonful into pretty much anything. They also have a long shelf life and will keep for several years when stored in a cool and dry place. 

Seeds aren't the only edible part of the plant. Chia sprouts can also be eaten as part of salads, sandwiches and other dishes. 

Chia seeds can absorb a lot of liquid so it is important to drink enough water daily when you've included these seeds into your diet. 

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