Ganjar Pranowo Views Off Export of Double-decker Buses

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Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo led a ceremonial event that marked the export of 10 double-decker buses produced by Karoseri Laksana to Bangladesh.
The event occurred at the manufacturer’s factory in Semarang, Central Java, Friday, February 21, 2020. The buses measure 14.4 meters long and 4.1 meters high.
“Why is me feel so excited is these [buses] are going to end up being exported. These buses, featuring a new design created by the nation’s children, have already been exported to multiple countries, and these types to Bangladesh,” he said.
Ganjar likewise said he felt content that presently organization players, like the bus manufacturer, were utilizing the incentives from the federal government to export their goods.
“I want to show the President and the Financing Minister that people in Central Java are using the incentives from the federal government. We have sensed the benefits, including on this one,” he said.
Ganjar as well asserted the federal government would totally support all endeavors targeted at developing the business enterprise world, particularly the types focusing on export.
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