ICAB takes activities against individuals
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They pay the piper because of expert unfortunate behavior
Organization of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) has taken disciplinary activities against a portion of its individuals for expert 'unfortunate activities'.
The ICAB's activities incorporate the suspension of participation and burden of punishment as their expert unfortunate activities regarding review and legitimate examination of the exposure with respect to number of review customers.
The board of the ICAB has suspended the enrollment of AKM Mizanur Rahman FCA, accomplice of Shafiq Mizan Rahman and Augustine, Chartered Accountants, as a result of his expert deviation regarding the review of a protections firm.
The rest of the moves have been made against certain individuals as they were liable regarding the revelation of number of review customers, as per the site of the ICAB.
The committee has forced a punishment worth Tk 0.2 million on AK Abdul Matin FCA, an accomplice of A Matin and Co, Chartered Accountants.
The board has additionally forced a punishment worth Tk 0.1 million on every one of AK Abdul Matin FCA and Netail Chand Talukder FCA, accomplices of A Matin and Co, Chartered Accountants, as a result of their expert bad behaviors regarding the exposure of number of review customers.
Plus, Md. Irshadullah Patwary FCA, owner of Irshadullah Patwary and Co, Chartered Accountants, should pay a punishment worth Tk 0.1 million, Nikhil Kanti Roy FCA, owner of N K Roy and Co, Chartered Accountants, Tk 0.1 million and Md. Mijanur Rahman Bhuiyan FCA, ex-paftner of Dewan Nazrul Islam and Co, Chartered Accountants, Tk 0.1 million.
ASM Ataul Karim FCA and Mr. A H Mostafa Kamal FCA, ex-accomplices of Mohammad Ata Karim and Co, should pay a punishment worth Tk 0.1 million each.
The chamber has forced punishment worth Tk 0.1 million on every ATM Mustafizur Rahman FCA and Ekramul Haq FCA, accomplices of Rahman Mustafiz Haq and Co, as their expert wrongdoings regarding revelation of number of review customers were demonstrated.