Networking Services Mandatory for Potential Enterprises

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The network services are very useful, like many other network providers. However to point out the services there are, directory, file, telecommunication and application services. These facilities enhances the efficiency of the output which we can get by using the network and also, makes it a lot easier to perform different kind of tasks like account management, storing files and many other.

Services Regarding Telecommunication
The service that is provided by the telecommunication companies/providers in order to help companies to send and receive messages using different mediums are the telecommunication services. The word telecommunication stands for long distance communication in short time and that is the job of the telecommunication services provided by the network we use. Using telephones, e-mail, social media sites for communicating are examples of this service. Electric signals like carrier help to transmit the data in telecommunication unit.

E-mail: Using different internet companies like yahoo, Google and many others, we can send digital mails to any part of this world within a fraction of a second! E-mail is now used all over the world for conveying and receiving messages. On the other hand, it is also extremely effective for online job applications, admissions, absence in important meetings and many others. All you have to do for sending e-mails is, write the name of the receiver, for example,, fill up the subject with something applicable and then on the plain area, you can write important information, attach files, photos and many others including audio files. E-mail is conveyed with the help of the mail servers, mail server is the transfer agent which helps to send different e-mails to the users accordingly. Without mail server, there would have been a huge issue, for example if you are using Hotmail and your friend uses Gmail, it is going to be impossible to send messages without the help of the mail server to the friend you want to. It is the job of the mail server to allow us to send mails to the people we want to said in the according order.

Social Networking Sites: Currently one of the most popular mediums of telecommunication is through the social media sites. It is fast, has different facilities and can perform better than many other sites. Social Networking Sites are mostly used for business purposes, however, friends and family can take the help of it too. Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram are three most popular examples of social networking sites. With the help of the social networking sites, people can share photos, audios and many others, on the other hand, they can also have personal profile pictures through which many people can find their lost old friends, which is apparently a huge advantage.

IRC: IRC stands for internet relay communication. It was first launched in the year 1998 and was a big hit then, nowadays, it is not used majorly. However, it was actually a great idea of communication. In IRC people could communicate with multiple users and also single users through the medium of virtual rooms. In the groups the messages are visible to everyone.  Yahoo messenger used to provide this feature back in the days but now it is not provided by them. Nowadays, people can use Facebook to create a group chat and also Whatsapp for features like IRC.

Directory Services
Directory services are very effective for offices, where many users work together in different workstations and computers. Directory services help to organize different files and resources and also identify them. With the help of it firms can set up user accounts to provide access to the people who should. This connection is formed by using the control of domain which helps us to set password and username. With the help of the directory services the identification of usernames and e-mails are made.

Account Management: This helps to organize the user names, give access to different users for conveying different acts, the management of the user’s access and activities are done by using this directory service. For potential businesses, account management will help to store the list of all the employer’s user accounts and organize them accordingly. The information, files and activities of the users will be stored by using this service. It is quite effective for companies as there are many employees who will need many user accounts.

Authentication Management: Providing user access is definitely not the end of the process. It is important for the network or the computer to identify the users and to for proper authentication and be safe. To identify the users and providing access to the right person, it is important to have a password, this management system does that job. Without this many people can hack into the accounts and steal valuable information.

DNS: DNS Stands for Domain Name Server. It is the naming system through which we name the domains. It might become tough to remember the IP addresses, so, to remember and get access to different domains, it is important to give them a legit name which goes with the domain

File Services:
File services include transferring of files, sharing of files and many others. In a midrange or big network, it is a must to have file server. With the help of the file services, the computers of different workstations will be able to get access to the files used in any workstation. It will without a doubt save time and unnecessary labor. It also reduces the cost of carrying or buying a pen drive or external drives to transfer valuable information and files from one computers of one workstation to the computers of another workstation.

Transfer of Files: Using the network the employers of different firms can easily transfer the files with the help of this service. With the help of the user file transfer protocol the user will be able to go to the internet and transfer the file they wish to transfer and then the file can be downloaded using another computer. People can use e-mails and many others to do this, which will not lead them to go out all the way and deliver the file using pen-drive. For large files, compressing it is a fine decision. Using this method, it is extremely fast and safer than pen drive and external hard disk as there is a risk of getting valuable information theft or damaged when you are using pen drive or hard disks. Users can also set password to the files when they send the files using this special feature for better security.

File Sharing: Sharing files to other computers within the network or outside of the network. However, it is mostly used within the network and it is very effective for potential firms, as there are different valuable information which needs to get access by many users. With the help of it many users can get the file at once and can download it. Google Drive is one of the most popular examples of file sharing applications. It reduces the effort of sending everyone the same file and on the other hand, keeps a valuable backup on the internet or network system’s cloud storage.

Application Services:
Application services are also provided by the network for assisting us to perform different crucial tasks. For businesses, it is a must to have this feature. With the help of this software bugs and problems can find solution using the network. On the other hand, forming a network to use different devices can be done. Access to different files and applications can be gained by using this network. 

Shared Resources: Under a company, it is important to share resource to cut down expenses. For example using the help of this network of a firm can share the printer to different computers of workstation. Peer to peer networking can be used to build up this form of network in order to share resources. On the other hand, sharing storage can be done too, when the storage is low, we can take help of different applications like Google Drive and other cloud storage devices.

Mobile Working: Working remotely from house by using the resources of office and sending the work to the office in a fraction of a second can be done by using different services. If there is a web server of the office then the employees of companies firm can even work from home when they are absent due to unavoidable circumstances and send the files using different mediums like e-mail, cloud storage and many others. This can be done using a portable device like mobile as the technology also allows different smart phones to use word-processing software and many other software of Microsoft Office, on the other hand, using e-mail on phone is smooth too.

VOIP: VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. Sometimes it becomes important to make telephone calls from offices. Using VOIP it can be done extremely easily. There are sites like Skype, Yahoo Messenger and also Facebook Messenger which help us to voice call using the internet in order to communicate with clients, employees and sometimes employers. The voice will be conveyed and passed with the help of the internet protocol and will be delivered safely to the person who the voice is sent to. 

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