Technological Readiness for Prosperous Bangladesh

Technology is changing rapidly in today's world. Our dependency on technology is increasing day by day. It also plays a vital role in every sector in Bangladesh. First world countries are developing robots for their industries and also they are adopting new technologies in other sectors too. In Bangladesh, Industries like RMG, banking, pharmaceuticals, and others are adopting new technologies. Digitalisation in Banking Sector and the corporate sector are happening in a rapid Pace. So are we ready for Technological revolution!

How we will adopt these technological Changes which are happening around the world right now! What are the necessary things we should do to stay in the competition!

Technology has been the cross cutting sector and working as the backbone of the nation. Business Leaders will join the conversation on 21 March, 2019 at BASIS SoftExpo at Hall-1 (4:00-6:30 PM), ICCB, Bashundhara.

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