WhatsApp India limits forwards to one chat at a time to combat coronavirus artificial news

WhatsApp India limits forwards to one chat at a time to combat coronavirus artificial news
WhatsApp on Tuesday set spokes found in the ever-turning steering wheel of misinformation simply by restricting forwards to just one single chat at the same time. The update possesses come to India earliest, within an indication of how widely the platform has been used to spread unverified info in the country. It'll soon get rolled out globally.

Similarly in August 2018, WhatsApp limited forwarding to five chats following the platform found it had been being used extensively in India to spread misinformation, fake news and propaganda.

The app, which includes 2 billion users worldwide introduced the curbs globally around January 2019. NDTV reported that WhatsApp claimed the restrictions led to a 25 % reduction in forwards globally.

The report also cited consulting firm Kantar as having found a 40 % increase in WhatsApp consumption as COVID-19 started out spreading globally. The messaging software possessed by Facebook was reported to contain made the “greatest gains” in consumption among social press apps.

Now, with fake information threatening to derail efforts to fight the deadly coronavirus pandemic, WhatsApp, which includes 400 million users in India, has presented the stricter curbs in the united states.

However, you can still utilize the forward option many times to send a note to multiple users or copy a note and paste it to various chats.

To make certain that users got just authoritative information on COVID-19, WhatsApp had lately collaborated with the Government of India to produce a chat bot to answer queries.

Earlier, found in August, WhatsApp added a ‘Forwarded’ label to communications which were not composed simply by a close contact of the user.

Last month, the app also took measures to mark particular forward messages as requiring verification, on its beta version. A magnifying zoom lens icon appearing alongside the concept prompted users to search online and verify the content. But since the update is not rolled out for all users, several communications and videos were nonetheless being shared without having to be flagged in virtually any manner.

Source: https://www.deccanchronicle.com

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