Another wellspring of normal fiber in Bangladesh

The skyline of expanded employments of normal strands are in expanding patterns due to their ecofriendly, biodegradable, re-cyclic and reusable attributes properties. As of late various examinations have been attempted to discover new wellsprings of nonconventional common fiber.
Sansevieria Trifasciata is a long verdant wild plant, 70 types of them are accessible.
A proximate report on various physical and substance properties alongside sythesis and dyeability of filaments were performed with standard lab condition in Textile Engineering Department, Primeasia University (PAU).
The examination was directed by Md. Sabbir Hasan, Md. Ahsanul Kabir Oyon, Md. Torikul Islam of Textile Engineering Department, Primeasia University. Also, directed by Prof. Dr. A.B.M Abdullah.
Before that fiber were removed from the leaves by ChemiBiochemi-Mechanical quickened retting process created in biting the dust lab PAU.
This proximate examination and systematic outcomes demonstrate the probability of utilizing this lignocellulosic fiber as material fiber; woven, non-woven, weaved, mixed, composite, mash/paper, wellsprings of alpha-cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, nano-cellulose, cellulose subordinates and lignin-based business items.
Sansevieria Trifasciata plant is local to India, Indonesia and Africa. It is evergreen and enduring. Its leaves develop vertically from basal rosette. Leaves are solid sword-formed.
Developed leaves are dark green with light dim green. Its leaves are thickened and strands are overlaid with green waxy layer. By and by this plant is urbanized as a brightening garden plant for their air filtration trademark property and change of CO2 into O2 around evening time.
Indigenously it is brought in various names as 'Relative tongue', 'Holy person George's sword', 'Snake plant' or 'Bowstring hemp' in our region it is called 'Bhaghachokor' and it is generally found in various territories of Bangladesh.
2kg developed green plants were gathered from nursery of
Fokir Bari, Dewna, Kapasia, Gazipur.
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