BSCIC industry owners seek special consideration

BSCIC Industry Owners’ Association has sought special package to save lots of the sector from the wrath of today's economic woes, created due to Covid-19 pandemic.
"At present, 76 BSCIC industrial areas in Bangladesh remain closed because of coronavirus pandemic situation," Hossain A Sikder, Senior Vice President of Bangladesh BSCIC Industry Owners’ Association, said.
He's also president of Dhaka Shilpo Nagori Shilpo Malik Samity (BSCIC, Keranigonj) and former vice president of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI).
Around 5,90,620 skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled persons are being employed in every BSCIC industrial area in the united states. And around BDT 27,689 crore are invested by the industry owners of most BSCIC areas in the united states. Because of country-wide lockdown amid global Coronavirus pandemic, all the manufacturing units of most BSCIC industrial area are shut which puts this huge investment in great risk.
Industries under BSCIC areas are mainly reliant on local market chain. But because of severe shortages of recycleables, marketing, manufacturing, supply chain management and export and import are seriously being hampered now. If these industries remain shut for years, it will be problematic for the industry owners to pay salaries and bonus to the personnel and staff before holy Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr.
Meanwhile, Bangladesh BSCIC Industry Owners’ Association hailed Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for declaring taka 72,750 crore stimulus package to handle the possible adverse impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the country’s economy.
Besides, the association also urged the federal government to waive commercial utility bill of water for another 6 months. It also requested the government to permit industry owners to pay their electricity and gas bill of every month through three equal installments in the next six months.
Each plot under BSCIC industrial area must pay a set service charge that your association really wants to be waived for another 1 year.
Hossain A Sikder also made a plea to intermit installments of professional plots for a year taking into consideration the situation. He also urged the NBR to allow BSCIC industry owners to submit their tax and VAT return of the fiscal through three equal adjustable installments by another 3 years without penalty. Moreover, he requests to waive interest of loan taken by the brand new industry installers and BMRE (Balancing, Modernization, Rehabilitation and Expansion) commercial units of BSCIC area for another 6 months.
He also urged to provide special tax and duty rebate to the importers of raw materials, capital machineries, and packaging appliances of BSCIC professional area. He also requests the federal government to take permanent and permanent measures for the industry workers’ health safety beneath the national social safety net programme.
"We hope the federal government will take necessary measures to protect local market, import-substitute manufacturing, export competitiveness, employment and backward linkage of small and cottage industry from the ongoing pandemic, Hossain A Sikder said.
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