Prime Minister – Provide Assistance to the Victims of Fani

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Although, Fani has not caused a major endurance for the country, there still was a minor damage to a few parts of the country. The honorable prime minister of Bangladesh; Sheikh Hasina has requested the authorities to assist victims of Fani cyclone to recover. She made the request today, Sunday 5th May. Right now the recovery of the victims is her biggest concern. 

She herself has prayed for the people who have endured the cyclone and obviously for the unfortunate deaths. On the other hand, she is also trying to show condolence to the families who are facing the mental trauma of losing the very close and beloved ones. 

Currently, the honorable prime minister, Sheikh Hasina is in London but she is giving her best to direct Awami League leaders to stand for the Fani victims. Although, there is a very stunted amount of cyclone victims, it is still her biggest concern right now.

The last Saturday, 4th May 2019, the cyclone had hit the country causing damages to different crop land and also had left many houses to a ramshackle condition. The morning started with the cyclone’s unbiddable strike, it was without a doubt a mourning day to many. 

Six people had died suffering the lightning strikes and many people were harmed by the unavoidable cyclone’s consequences. Later on, on Saturday, it was found out that the cyclone took lives of two more people from some other part of the country leaving their family into despair.
Government’s sufficient preparation had saved plenty of lives from the Fani cyclone and on the other hand, it also brought no harm to properties. 

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