So what is the mystery of Bangladesh's achievements?

first expressway: UNB file photo
The influential and popular magazine Economist brings out a special issue at the start of every year. This issue deals with the many possibilities of the new season. This year's concern, 'The World in 2020' ranks Bangladesh at No. 3 among the very best 10 countries regarding GDP. The magazine says Bangladesh's expansion will be 7.7 per cent in the new year. China features dropped out from the top 10 10 and India features somehow retained a foothold at No. 10.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also publishes a normal update on global economical growth. Analysing the latest report, the US news agency Bloomberg said that in 2019, about 86 per cent of the global monetary growth took place in 20 countries, which include Bangladesh.
Pakistani academic Pervez Hoodbhoy recently wrote in Dawn, 'Bangladesh isn't most Scandinavian heaven. It really is poor and overpopulated, under educated and corrupt, frequented by pure catastrophes, encounters occasional terrorism, and the farcical dynamics of its democracy was uncovered in the December 2018 elections. However the before caricature of a country on life support disappeared years back. Today, some economists say it shall be another Asian tiger.'
On the other side of Bangladesh's enviable economical advancement is a contrary photo -- lack of good governance, bribery and corruption, environmental degradation and the lack of the freedom of expression. Using one end there is certainly high expansion and on the additional there is rampant corruption. That is where the dilemma lies.
In Transparency International (TI)'s corruption perception index of 2019, Bangladesh has only risen one rank, 166 among 200 countries. Another international organization, Trace International ranks Bangladesh at 182 among 200 in its bribery risk index.
The UK-based Economist Cleverness Device (EIU) regularly publishes a democracy index. Bangladesh can be in the list's 'hybrid regime' category, which is usually midway between autocracy and faulty democracy.
Bangladesh isn't some Scandinavian heaven. It really is poor and overpopulated, under educated and corrupt, frequented by pure catastrophes, experiences occasional terrorism, and the farcical characteristics of its democracy was uncovered in the December 2018 elections. However the earlier caricature of a region on life support disappeared years ago. Today, some economists claim it shall be another Asian tiger
In October this past year, the World Economic Forum's global competitiveness report saw Bangladesh drop by two ranks to 105 among 141 countries. Bangladesh also lags behind different South Asian countries in terms of mass media freedom and journalists' rights. The latest Press Freedom Index of Reporters Without Borders spots Bangladesh at 146 among 180 countries.
On 11 March this year, the US-based World Justice Job published its 2020 statement on the guideline of laws. Bangladesh had opted down in the index, ranking 115 among 128 countries. This past year it rated 112 among 126 countries.
Both of these different faces of one country have caused Bangladesh to be observed as a 'surprise', a 'mystery', a 'paradox'. There exists a crisis of very good governance in Bangladesh and a steady rise in corruption. Just what exactly is the mystery of Bangladesh's success?
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